
KALOS: feather fever

during my online blogging/facebook creeping session the other day (hey - at least i can admit it!), i came across www.makefeathersnotwar.blogspot.com , where feathers, glass beads and vintage jewelry turn into amazing pieces of art.  "3 young girls started their feather business in the summer of 2009, let's just say they're very passionate about feathers, and making things" reads their profile on etsy, which currently offers 8 feathery items. more items are sold on kalos' website , as well as four store locations; 2 in the lower mainland, and 2 in kelowna.  personally, i rarely wear accessories, but after seeing what these girls have to offer, i will be ordering very shortly! so much talent in the dub r! 


all photos via kalos. 


  1. Anonymous15.7.10

    My daughter has bought some of these girl's art jewelry and it truly is amazing, stunning and very original. Way to go girlies...keep up the fantastic work!

  2. Anonymous20.7.10

    I've been following their line for months - I simply love their creativity.


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